Bunny hoody for Halloween! |
Cultural day in the language center |
Dream Mall! |
Group hangout (: |
Paper project class day |
Dinner with the "parents" |
Hot pot night at Mizuho's! |
Last day of the language exchange program! |
10 things I've learned about myself throughout these months here:
1) I'm an over-thinker. Sometimes I catch myself thinking of things that I would even call myself out on and then the whole situation would just turn to me calling myself "stupid! stupid! stupid!" in my room. I'm not surprised if my grandma thinks I've gone crazy.
2) I still have not learned what it means to sacrifice.
3) I... don't drink water. At all. I can go a day without water. This is bad.
4) Coffee does not wake me up anymore.
5) I like traveling. As much as I hate moving around, I love traveling. Provide by my side a few friends, money, and a suitcase, and it'll be the best time ever.
6) I hardly dream, but when I do, it always becomes de ja vu or just something CRAZY.
7) I LOVE surprises. Love giving people surprises, love receiving surprises. Love getting the reactions I get when I give surprises, and love seeing how people has prepared it for me.
8) I think I'm a bit more introverted than extroverted ever since I got to Taiwan...
9) Still seeking after that one passion I would want to die for.
10) I love food so much that I think I should just give up on dieting. Sigh.
Man... as this week becomes the "last" of everything, I've realized one thing:
As much as I want to be back at Chicago already,
this little island will always have my heart.
"Is not his love for us his eagerness to do for us all he must do (including die for us) so that we can marvel at him and not be incinerated by him? Redemption, propitiation, forgiveness, justification, reconciliation - all these have to happen. They are the act of love.
But the goal of love that makes those acts loving is that we be with him and see his jaw-dropping glory and be astounded. In those moments we forget ourselves and see and feel him."
- John Piper
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